Acupuncture aids in balancing the flow of blood, fluids and the flow of Qi, or energy, through specific pathways of the body called meridians. It involves the stimulation of specific points on these meridians using disposable fine needles, heat, pressure friction or other techniques.
Dr Noreen Lalani has achieved her Masters in Acupuncture from the Tri- State College of Acupuncture in New York City. While training there, she became an expert in three types of acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
This is basic foundation of acupuncture and started thousands of years ago. The flow of Qi in the body is regulated through the eight principals of cold/heat, interior/exterior, excess/deficiency, and yin/yang. TCM also uses the theory of five elements which are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Acupuncture is used to balance the Qi in the meridians to restore health.
Japanese Style by Kiiko Matsumoto
When using this system, a practitioner follows a palpation sequence commonly called Hara diagnosis that both establishes a diagnosis and suggests several treatment options that may be effective for treating a particular patient.
Acupuncture Physical Medicine by Mark Seem
By identifying and releasing areas of myofascial constriction and trigger points, this type of acupuncture can be very beneficial for issues caused by musculoskeletal dysfunction or referred pain brought on by repetitive strain or muscular contraction.